Monday, August 27, 2007

1. List 4 major search engines and a major directory.

-Google, AllTheWeb, AskJeeves, and Altavista

2. What is a blog?

-A blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent post at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom

Link to video - What is a Blog?


3. Why might you use quotation marks when conducting a search?

-To find words that appear adjacent to each other


4. URL is an acronym for…

-Uniform Resource Locator


Friday, August 24, 2007

5. Identify three Boolean search terms.

-AND, OR, and NEAR


6. How do you find the owner or publisher of a Web site?

-Go to and enter the URL of the site you would like to research.


7. Identify these extensions and what they represent:

.org - non-profit organization

.com - commercial

.sch - school (used outside US)

.k12 - school (mostly US)

.edu - educational

.gov - government

.ac - higher ed outside of US usually used with country code

.net - network

.mil - military

.co - company


8. How do you find out who is linked to your school’s Web site?

-Go to the search engine Alta Vista and do a link: command search. In the search box type (or other school address).

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


9. What clues in a Web address might indicate you are on a personal Web site?

-Look for a tilde “~”, the “%” sign, a personal name, or the word “user” after the domain name and the first forward slash “/“.


10. How would you conduct a search for the following: a list of Web sites of all the academic institutions in South Africa?

-Go to the search engine Alta Vista and type in the search box.


11. How do you find the history of any given Web site?

-Use the Wayback Machine. Go to and type the URL of the web site you would like to research into the search box.


12. How would you conduct a search for the following: US school Web sites that contain the word turtle?

-Go to a search engine and type "host:sch + turtle" in the search box.


13. If you type "miserable failure" into Google, your first or second result will be George Bush’s official biography. How is this possible?

-Google uses popularity to rank its sites. It also uses key words found all over each website to match it to searches.


14. What is a wiki?

-A website or similar online resource which allows users to add and edit content collectively.


15. What is a ning?

-Ning is an online platform for creating social websites and social networks.


16. What is a news aggregator?

-A news aggregator is software that periodically reads a set of news sources, in one of several XML-based formats, finds the new bits, and displays them in reverse-chronological order on a single page.


17. What is RSS feed?

-RSS feed is a format for delivering regularly changing web content.


18. Why use RSS feed?

-It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in.


19. What is social bookmarking?

-Social bookmarking is a way for internet users to store, classify, share, and search internet bookmarks.


20. What is the advantage of social bookmarking?

-Web sites are tagged by people that understand the content of the sites rather than software that categorize them algorithmically.
