Monday, August 27, 2007

1. List 4 major search engines and a major directory.

-Google, AllTheWeb, AskJeeves, and Altavista

2. What is a blog?

-A blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent post at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom

Link to video - What is a Blog?


3. Why might you use quotation marks when conducting a search?

-To find words that appear adjacent to each other


4. URL is an acronym for…

-Uniform Resource Locator


Friday, August 24, 2007

5. Identify three Boolean search terms.

-AND, OR, and NEAR


6. How do you find the owner or publisher of a Web site?

-Go to and enter the URL of the site you would like to research.


7. Identify these extensions and what they represent:

.org - non-profit organization

.com - commercial

.sch - school (used outside US)

.k12 - school (mostly US)

.edu - educational

.gov - government

.ac - higher ed outside of US usually used with country code

.net - network

.mil - military

.co - company
